Help us reach our $200,000 goal and allow us to meet the needs of hundreds of our neighbors through innovative and life-changing programs including:

This holiday season, help us Walk with our clients to safety and success by supporting our Walk with Us campaign.

Nearly everyone in Sonoma County is affected by shortages of housing and mental health services, and rising food and energy prices. But for some, these changes are catastrophic. We are stretching this season to help those we can. We can reach more with your support. The Walk with Us campaign will create:

  ◊ additional peer mental health initiatives: drop-in mental health recovery sites staffed by employees who are themselves in recovery, and trained senior volunteers providing counseling to senior clients

  ◊ sustained food distribution and medical transportation programs for rural seniors

  ◊ increased creative housing solutions that include permanent supportive housing, homeless outreach, Rapid Re-Housing, and homeless prevention services.

Walk with Us this winter. Join our campaign, thank you for your support.


Use the yellow button if you prefer to donate with PayPal.